Sports Chiropractic

Book an appointment with Dr. Marco Giuliano of Dr. G’s Gonstead Chiropractic Clinic if you’re interested in the benefits of sports chiropractic care in Glendale, CA.

What Are the Benefits of Sports Chiropractic Care?

Athletes are constantly looking to gain an edge over their competitors. Sports chiropractic could be that edge for you. As you’ll soon see, chiropractic care can offer numerous benefits to athletes.

The most obvious benefit of sports chiropractic care is effective injury treatment. Whether you’re dealing with joint pain, sprains, strains, or other sports injuries, chiropractic treatment can deliver stellar results. Chiropractic treatment works well for sports-related injuries because it addresses their underlying causes. You can enjoy lasting and faster relief from your injuries after your appointment.

Workout recovery times also improve with chiropractic care. The treatments administered by your chiropractor can help you avoid extended stretches of downtime.

Chiropractic care is also useful for preventing sports-related injuries. The treatments are helpful because they can strengthen and mobilize your joints. With your body stronger and more flexible, you should be more resilient to impacts.

Of course, getting stronger and improving your flexibility can also affect your performance during games. You can deliver more impressive performances because of your improved capabilities.

Lastly, you should consider working with a sports chiropractor to extend your athletic career. Regular treatments can save your joints from excessive wear and tear. On top of that, the diet and exercise tips provided by your chiropractor can help you stay in good shape long-term.

Make sure you have access to those benefits of sports chiropractic care in Glendale, CA, by working with Dr. Giuliano of Dr. G’s Gonstead Chiropractic Clinic.

What Treatments Are Included in Your Sports Chiropractic Care Regimen?

Sports chiropractors can use different techniques to treat injuries and improve athletic performance.

The Gonstead approach to rendering sports chiropractic care is especially helpful. Gonstead adjustments deliver better results for athletes because of how precise they are. A Gonstead chiropractor can treat a specific injury without affecting any other part of your musculoskeletal system, minimizing the risk of unintended consequences.

Your sports chiropractic care regimen may also include therapeutic exercises. The therapeutic exercises are great for treating soft tissue injuries. Regularly performing those exercises can also strengthen your muscles and improve their elasticity.

Expect nutrition to be a focal point of your chiropractic care appointments. Sports chiropractors can evaluate your body’s needs and customize a diet. They can also recommend supplements and vitamins that work best with your body.

Call 818-599-0095 and book your sports chiropractic care appointments in Glendale, CA, with Dr. Giuliano of Dr. G’s Gonstead Chiropractic Clinic.

Main Location


1111 N. Brand Blvd Suite 402,
Glendale, CA 91202


8:00 AM – 7:00 PM


8:00 AM – 7:00 PM


8:00 AM – 7:00 PM


10:00 am - 7:00 pm


8:00 AM – 7:00 PM


By Appointment

